Thursday, 25 November 2010

Pre - lim task

This is a scanned image of my front cover. The magazine is dominantly blue because it ties in with the school colours.

The audience it is aimed at year 7 - 9 (ages 11- 14). This is why there are plenty of pictures that are at an angle and large writing to attract their attention to the articles.

The main article is about Mr. Burton. This is because most of the students will get to know him. The article is an interview with him about his teaching career etc. This is why it is at the top of the cover. This article would be a fortnightly to match the frequency of the magazine.

The other images are of the years the magazine is aimed at. They are of a range activities at the school as I wanted to convey the whole school through the magazine. This is also shown by the guide to the month. This is to help promote the school events, exams and would inform people in the schools local area of any events open to the public like fairs.

The price is affordable so people in age range can buy it, but also, in the future editions other features would be included such as 'have your say' and competitions this would make the target audience want to buy it as it is in their interests and gives them a chance to interact with the magazine.