Monday, 28 March 2011

My evaluation method

For my evaluation, I shall be using a video with commentary over the top to explain each point.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Contents page

This is my contents page.

I made the background black to contrast with the front cover. I think this works well and only using black and white works with the colours of photo and doesn't make it too bright and childish.

The contents page is heavily inspired by that of The Fly with some more conventional components added to it.

The front cover doesn't particularly influence the contents page, however, the logo is there, a contents title, the featured story is taking priority and that stories have the right page numbers and then a small and brief blurb to go along with it.

I think although quite different from the magazine it adds a twist and contrast to my magazine.

Refined front cover

I am very happy with this because the title is big and colourful, Andy is connecting with the audience and looks like he is from the genre of alternative which is the main theme of the issue.

With the lens flare in the corner it adds to the 'rising star' effect I was hoping for. The photo is more flattering and adds a young teen feel to the magazine and seems to be more inviting for the audience to read.

The banner at the top hasn't really changed through the development but is in a good place to add a puff and again helps draw the audience in as well as helping the colour scheme.

Second attempt at frontcover

This is my second attempt at my front cover.

It is very similar to my first attempt. I took the original photo with no editing to make it simple, the title is much brighter and more noticeable on the magazine stand.

The picture again conveys the general genre for the magazine and connects with the audience although its not a very flattering photo and Andy looks tired and unhappy.

There are minor adjustments to the page but generally the same format with the extreme dark colours scaled back to make it more appealing for a wider teen audience.

My Double Page Spread

Here is my double page spread (DPS). I think this is a fitting DPS because it is in keeping with the style of magazine I wanted to go for. This is a small magazine with a high circulation as I would want it to be free and given out at gigs, similar to that of The Fly.

I chose the colour scheme of the magazine Q as it adds a level of maturity to the magazine as well as the colours being complimentary.

I used a very common layout used by the fly in this DPS as I liked the simplicity of it with the clear layout and ease on the eye.

The full picture on the left was taken and then I added lens flares to add the effect of being on stage. I think this really works with the posture and emotion of Andy. This can also be used as a possible poster opportunity giving the audience a bonus gift along with the free demo CD.

On the right, I superimposed him strumming the guitar because I thought it looked rather good as well as it relating to the article. I used the red banner to keep the colour scheme flowing and break the page up so it didn't look like a big block of white.

First attempt at my music now front cover

This is my first attempt at making my front cover.

I used the colour scheme similar to Q as it is a music magazine I would like to emulate but with a spin. I used this specific photo as it shows the main subject as a little moody and clearly shows he is from a more alternative genre with dyed streaks in his hair.

The black and white effect was meant to give the cover a more 'underground' and less mainstream, although just ruined the front cover as it looks too dark and seems like there is too much red.