-Masthead: Men's Health
-Price: £3.99
-House style: Blue, red and white, with black and white central dominant image. These colours compliment each other making the magazine look basic but practical.
-Ad portfolio: mainly health products (protein shakes etc), technology and gadgets as well as many healthcare and grooming products.
-Frequency: Monthly
-Quick history: Launched in 1987 in U.S as a health-oriented service magazine by founding editor Mark Bricklin, Men’s Health has evolved into a lifestyle magazine for men, covering areas such as health, fitness, nutrition, relationships, travel, technology, fashion and finance. The circulation grew to more than 1.5 million in less than two years and spawned over 20 foreign editions. In 1995 the U.K launch of Men's Health monthly maintained sales as men's lifestyle titles such as FHM and Loaded plummeted. In 2004, the UK arm of Rodale formed a 50:50 joint venture with NatMags, NatMags Rodale. In 2007, Men’s Health launched the FitSchools initiative to combat childhood obesity.
- mode of address: the mode of address is intellectual and like a personal trainer is teaching as well as a friend talking to you about health, relationships and style. It is, as the puff suggests, high quality and has diverse vocabulary, but does not appeal to all men.