Thursday, 14 April 2011

Final DPS

Here is my final DPS. It is taking great inspiration from the sex pistols again, using the stamp style title with mis-matching letters re creating the rough underground look of concerts of unsigned artists. The colours have stayed the same through out the project, with all the bright colours keeping the basic theme of punk rock style.

final contents page

Here is my final contents page. This is very different from my previous contents page. Carrying on the theme from the punk era, namely the sex pistols. I have completely changed how the contents page looks. I have changed up the tone of the contents page from a very dark and contemporary to a bright and taken back to the fanzine era. I used the ticket tape style of listing from the fly. This makes the contents page seem very rough and underground which what I am aiming for. The style still keeps the some conventional aspects such as quotes, titles and re-enforcing the social network aspect of the magazine.

Here is my final piece, this is a lot more different in style to the previous draft of my front cover. By going back through my feed back and changed the style of the magazine to fit the look and feel of the images and story much better.

I used the punk era during the 70s to influence the new design. I liked the underground look of the rough text and bright colours. The colours mean the cover does stand out more if it was on a magazine self or in a pile of magazines at a gig. I really like the torn feel behind the text to make the magazine actually look like a fanzine. I replaced the subscription service with social networking to promote my magazine. The colours that I am using on the front cover do transfer though out the magazine.

Friday, 1 April 2011


I asked people in my class what they thought of my refined front cover, contents page and DPS.
These are the most common responses:

  • The writing is too small
  • The front cover is very bare.
  • The contents page is too dark
  • There should be a few more details on the contents page.
These are all points I feel I have corrected for my final piece.

Monday, 28 March 2011

My evaluation method

For my evaluation, I shall be using a video with commentary over the top to explain each point.

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Contents page

This is my contents page.

I made the background black to contrast with the front cover. I think this works well and only using black and white works with the colours of photo and doesn't make it too bright and childish.

The contents page is heavily inspired by that of The Fly with some more conventional components added to it.

The front cover doesn't particularly influence the contents page, however, the logo is there, a contents title, the featured story is taking priority and that stories have the right page numbers and then a small and brief blurb to go along with it.

I think although quite different from the magazine it adds a twist and contrast to my magazine.

Refined front cover

I am very happy with this because the title is big and colourful, Andy is connecting with the audience and looks like he is from the genre of alternative which is the main theme of the issue.

With the lens flare in the corner it adds to the 'rising star' effect I was hoping for. The photo is more flattering and adds a young teen feel to the magazine and seems to be more inviting for the audience to read.

The banner at the top hasn't really changed through the development but is in a good place to add a puff and again helps draw the audience in as well as helping the colour scheme.

Second attempt at frontcover

This is my second attempt at my front cover.

It is very similar to my first attempt. I took the original photo with no editing to make it simple, the title is much brighter and more noticeable on the magazine stand.

The picture again conveys the general genre for the magazine and connects with the audience although its not a very flattering photo and Andy looks tired and unhappy.

There are minor adjustments to the page but generally the same format with the extreme dark colours scaled back to make it more appealing for a wider teen audience.

My Double Page Spread

Here is my double page spread (DPS). I think this is a fitting DPS because it is in keeping with the style of magazine I wanted to go for. This is a small magazine with a high circulation as I would want it to be free and given out at gigs, similar to that of The Fly.

I chose the colour scheme of the magazine Q as it adds a level of maturity to the magazine as well as the colours being complimentary.

I used a very common layout used by the fly in this DPS as I liked the simplicity of it with the clear layout and ease on the eye.

The full picture on the left was taken and then I added lens flares to add the effect of being on stage. I think this really works with the posture and emotion of Andy. This can also be used as a possible poster opportunity giving the audience a bonus gift along with the free demo CD.

On the right, I superimposed him strumming the guitar because I thought it looked rather good as well as it relating to the article. I used the red banner to keep the colour scheme flowing and break the page up so it didn't look like a big block of white.

First attempt at my music now front cover

This is my first attempt at making my front cover.

I used the colour scheme similar to Q as it is a music magazine I would like to emulate but with a spin. I used this specific photo as it shows the main subject as a little moody and clearly shows he is from a more alternative genre with dyed streaks in his hair.

The black and white effect was meant to give the cover a more 'underground' and less mainstream, although just ruined the front cover as it looks too dark and seems like there is too much red.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Pre-lim contents page

The contents page is designed for a school magazine.
I used the same title banner from the front cover to the contents page which I saw in some magazines, or the magazine had at least carried the same font or colour of the title over to the contents page.

I used colours that matched the front covers as well as using the school colours to separate out the page and break it up. I think this is a good aspect to the page because the main stories are broken up by colours and also makes it more eye-catching for the young audience.
The pictures relate and are relevant for the articles next to them, this allows the reader to see what the article is at a glance and whether they want to read it or not. This is a great feature as it also follows the codes and conventions of a contents pages with a varied number of photos which show the articles of in a enticing way.
The USP for the magazine is in the centre and just below the main article giving it the best chance of being seen by the audience and being used. I think that it is a good placement, however may need something darker behind it to make it stand out more against the background.
Also, to follow in codes and conventions, I listed some regular features together and quite far down the page, I feel this makes the page look more authentic and is a great way to show the audience what else the magazine offers.

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Easyliving contents page analysis

This contents page spreads across a double page spread.

It is set out in a logical format and is very clear and accessible for the reader. This shows it is meant for easy reading and for people tat do not have a lot of time in the day to read a whole magazine and only want what they want. This is a monthly magazine, however it is aimed at an audience of females who are working, have children and an active lifestyle.

The colours are very vibrant and eye catching. This makes the contents page very appealing to the reader. The contents of the magazine is split into columns with different colours for each. This is very appealing and is something I would implement into my own contents page as I like the format of logical planned out stories.

The dps (double page spread) follows the codes and conventions of contents pages using multiple photos that are relevant to the articles around them.

There are many puffs and competitions that engage the reader and keep people coming back. For example, 'find the piggy' competition, this places a gold pig in every magazine. This helps get people to buy the magazine as there are reader interactive activity.

The page also has a unique feature, this is a image of the front cover that has been broken down into the issues 'star' articles making the magazine very easy to pick up and read.

The colours from the front cover do carry through to the contents page where the column colours are from the spine of the magazine. This follows the tradition codes and conventions of magazines.

The writing is also very soft and non-threating which is something I will want to put in my own magazine as it is the sort of typeface I find appealling.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

NME content analysis

The contents page is nicely split into different stories, the larger articles have a bigger spot. I like this format, however it is not very organised. I would add colours to the boxes.

It follows the code and conventions of contents page, using multiple relevant photos of band and artists. It also shows the week it is relevant for and then the page numbers to find the articles you want to read. I like the fonts and numbers used as they are very easy to read and understand.
However, the colours and style of the cover page do not translate into the contents page as much as other magazines, this is due to NME having a very set template and style for their contents page and does not change that much from issue to issue.

The fonts change throughout the contents page and some very creative and 'arty'. This re enforces the target audience being people who love creative ventures and are quite quirky and do not follow many mainstream trends and themes.

Also, the way the articles are separated is very minimalist which allows the decorative typeface to be accentuated.

Although, I do not like the black and white only. This is NMEs theme but for my own magazine I will have to it more colourful and vibrant to attract the target audience.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Analysis of my own Masthead

I have three versions of my masthead.

The first is very large and eye catching, this would work well on a magazine, however, not on my magazine as it is a bit too young for my Target audience. The large bursts and use of musical notes is very distinctive, but may be better for a music teaching magazine for children. The colours are very vibrant and stand out well, however I feel that my target audience would be more attracted to a more mature and minimal mast head.

The second mast head is more simple and carries a musical theme in the colour scheme I really like. The font may have to be different because it is not the same throughout. I like the colours red and white because the Men's Health colour scheme appeals to me. Although, bubble writing is more for a younger audience therefore I will opt for a simple but sophisticated writing, this is why I have chosen the third option.

My third option will be in red against a white background. The typeface is simple but because its in Italics it looks sophisticated and would be attractive for my target audience, as 16 - 21 is the age people start to mature and look for a more grown up and well written magazine to cater for their needs. It will be similar as it is the style I would like for my magazine although the typeface is more sophisticated and appealing.

A day in life of my ideal reader

As a an Early morning wake up (5:30am) I make a lovely instant coffee, its the only thing to wake me up as I head off to work! At the moment I work for a reputable accountant firm. Its not very exciting but it helps pay the bills until I can join the RAF. My plans are to join the RAF or police, as I want to help the community and the country.

I don't own a car therefore I make use of the public transport. I do have a licence but I can't quite afford the up keep for a car. When I do get the money I'm hoping to get a small Golf Polo or mini. I've always wanted one from a young age.

Luckily, at work I can get myself some breakfast, normally Cheerios which are great! I usually work until 1pm and have an hour break at the local corner cafe listening to my new songs from iTunes or Capital Fm from my new Blackberry. I am really enjoying David Guetta's new collaborations and the new Katy Perry songs too.

On my break, depending on the time of month, I read NME or Men's Health. I read Men's Health when it first comes out. I am trying to get myself into shape for next year when I'm planning to join the armed forces. I read NME because I enjoy the way it is written and some of the bands are quite good.

Phew! Works over, now I'm home to unwind I think I'll go on the PS3. I find it's always a nice way to end the day as it is something I'm passionate about. Today I feel like... Assassins Creed, yeah I'm in need of a good story. After playing for a couple hours you really get hungry, I think tonight I'll have the new Asada pizza I bought yesterday, should be good.

Time to watch some T.V with my dinner. Hmm, what's on today... Oh here we go Family Guy, this show always brightens my mood, it's so funny and clever and afterwards I think I'll watch one of the Cleavland show DVDs (it's a spin off of Family Guy).

Wow, it's been a long day, it's 11pm and time to go to sleep, finally!

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Double page spread - NME pages 37

The double page spread is about the 75th 'greatest albums you've never heard'.

The spread is composed of an A4 photograph then a half an A4 picture with columns of text. This format is a good way to show off the main article focus, in this case the band and what I would use for my own magazine.

The text in the bottom half is split into columns. This gives the spread a formal newspaper like feel which helps organise the information and text. It also helps add smaller pictures and also add features.
The text is in different sizes and colours making it more appealing as well as using the colours from the photo above it. This is an interesting way to use the colours available and make the spread look more appealing and more enjoyable to read. Also, I would use the Italics to help express more important information. This is a feature I would incorporate into my own magazine.

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Double page spread - mens health pg 36-37

The spread is about how different teas act on your body.

The spread has a title and then brief description which helps the reader quickly understand the spread and because the text is brief and full of information it is easy to read.

The different ingredients are put into a circle formation and make good use of the page space. The notes for each ingredient is noted like a computer would look at it, how it analyses the properties and effects of the ingredients. The colours are simple, reserved and minimal showcasing the target audiences maturity.
The page divide gives a simple break that if used more than once will be effective but not over the top. Likewise, the band around the spread is simple but decorative, at the bottom a colour coordinated strip shows which category the spread is from the contents page. This is something I would include as it is an excellent design feature.

Contents page analysis - Mens Health

The contents page is very appealing and well laid out. The date is well displayed and the contents title has its own strap line, this feature I like.
Each section has a sample spread to show what looks like and follows a highlight reel format. Also, at the bottom of the page more spreads are shown in a similar way of the ipod album slideshow. This shows the sort of technology men reading the magazine own and are used to. Furthermore, the contents page is colour coordinated to the main magazine, which are featured on the front cover and are themed for the month.

There are also promotions and paragraphs to entice the reader to certain sections, as well as, helping people that are only looking for that specific segment in the magazine to find it with ease.
Additionally, the same colours used on the front cover are carried through to keep the same housestyle. However, the typeface is similar throughout the contents page unlike the front cover.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Mast head analysis - NME

NME is a music magazine aimed at both males and females from the ages of 16 upwards. This means that the mast head also needs to cater to a wide audience. The mast head does this in the same way as the Men's Health mast head. It is simple and easy to read and recognise. It is suitable for the target audience because it does what it needs to, without being over the top.

I like this mast head because, again it is simple and appeals to a large target audience. The mast for my own magazine will take the simple bold typeface. However, mine will be a lot brighter to be more suitable for my target audience.

Mast head analysis - Men's Health

Men's Health is aimed at men between the age of 25 - 45, this means the mast head has to appeal to a wide age group. This is why it is a simple type face that is very easy to read and recognise on a magazine stand.

The simplicity of the mast head appeals to the large age range of its target audience. It is mature and does not have bright colours, does not have a complex type face and is practical because it does its job very well.

I like that the typeface is simple and so are the colours, however for my target audience, I will need to add some bright colours and a more exciting typeface as they are not as mature being 16-24 year olds.