Thursday, 27 January 2011

Easyliving contents page analysis

This contents page spreads across a double page spread.

It is set out in a logical format and is very clear and accessible for the reader. This shows it is meant for easy reading and for people tat do not have a lot of time in the day to read a whole magazine and only want what they want. This is a monthly magazine, however it is aimed at an audience of females who are working, have children and an active lifestyle.

The colours are very vibrant and eye catching. This makes the contents page very appealing to the reader. The contents of the magazine is split into columns with different colours for each. This is very appealing and is something I would implement into my own contents page as I like the format of logical planned out stories.

The dps (double page spread) follows the codes and conventions of contents pages using multiple photos that are relevant to the articles around them.

There are many puffs and competitions that engage the reader and keep people coming back. For example, 'find the piggy' competition, this places a gold pig in every magazine. This helps get people to buy the magazine as there are reader interactive activity.

The page also has a unique feature, this is a image of the front cover that has been broken down into the issues 'star' articles making the magazine very easy to pick up and read.

The colours from the front cover do carry through to the contents page where the column colours are from the spine of the magazine. This follows the tradition codes and conventions of magazines.

The writing is also very soft and non-threating which is something I will want to put in my own magazine as it is the sort of typeface I find appealling.

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