Thursday, 27 January 2011
Easyliving contents page analysis

Wednesday, 26 January 2011
NME content analysis

Thursday, 6 January 2011
Analysis of my own Masthead
I have three versions of my masthead.
The first is very large and eye catching, this would work well on a magazine, however, not on my magazine as it is a bit too young for my Target audience. The large bursts and use of musical notes is very distinctive, but may be better for a music teaching magazine for children. The colours are very vibrant and stand out well, however I feel that my target audience would be more attracted to a more mature and minimal mast head.
The second mast head is more simple and carries a musical theme in the colour scheme I really like. The font may have to be different because it is not the same throughout. I like the colours red and white because the Men's Health colour scheme appeals to me. Although, bubble writing is more for a younger audience therefore I will opt for a simple but sophisticated writing, this is why I have chosen the third option.
My third option will be in red against a white background. The typeface is simple but because its in Italics it looks sophisticated and would be attractive for my target audience, as 16 - 21 is the age people start to mature and look for a more grown up and well written magazine to cater for their needs. It will be similar as it is the style I would like for my magazine although the typeface is more sophisticated and appealing.
A day in life of my ideal reader
I don't own a car therefore I make use of the public transport. I do have a licence but I can't quite afford the up keep for a car. When I do get the money I'm hoping to get a small Golf Polo or mini. I've always wanted one from a young age.
Luckily, at work I can get myself some breakfast, normally Cheerios which are great! I usually work until 1pm and have an hour break at the local corner cafe listening to my new songs from iTunes or Capital Fm from my new Blackberry. I am really enjoying David Guetta's new collaborations and the new Katy Perry songs too.
On my break, depending on the time of month, I read NME or Men's Health. I read Men's Health when it first comes out. I am trying to get myself into shape for next year when I'm planning to join the armed forces. I read NME because I enjoy the way it is written and some of the bands are quite good.
Phew! Works over, now I'm home to unwind I think I'll go on the PS3. I find it's always a nice way to end the day as it is something I'm passionate about. Today I feel like... Assassins Creed, yeah I'm in need of a good story. After playing for a couple hours you really get hungry, I think tonight I'll have the new Asada pizza I bought yesterday, should be good.
Time to watch some T.V with my dinner. Hmm, what's on today... Oh here we go Family Guy, this show always brightens my mood, it's so funny and clever and afterwards I think I'll watch one of the Cleavland show DVDs (it's a spin off of Family Guy).
Wow, it's been a long day, it's 11pm and time to go to sleep, finally!
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Double page spread - NME pages 37

Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Double page spread - mens health pg 36-37

Contents page analysis - Mens Health

Monday, 3 January 2011
Mast head analysis - NME

Mast head analysis - Men's Health